Things don't always go as planned and Everything happens for a reason -- these are the two sayings that could sum up our second daughter's birth story.
Let me take you back a month ago. I was looking forward to experiencing the convenience of a scheduled CS, going to the hospital without pain (just a bit of anxiety) and knowing what time I will be operated on, etc. So as planned, we checked in the hospital the night before my scheduled CS. It was October 9. We arrived at our room around past 9 in the evening and I remember wondering why we had to be in the hospital already. It was my OBs protocol I supposed. After an hour of lingering, also based on SOP, I was whisked away to the Labor and Delivery Room for some monitoring they needed to report to my OB. So I left the husband in our room and told him I'd be back after an hour or so. Or so I thought. So they strapped me with the baby monitor and they monitored away. The resident in charge said that they had to continue monitoring the baby and they had to give me oxygen since the baby's movement wasn't as active as they hoped given her gestational age. And because they observed some decelerations in baby's heart rate, they made a call to my OB. After some hushed discussions, the resident gave the cellphone to me with my OB on the other line. "I need to open you up today, you baby's heart rate is not as active as we hoped," she said. All I could say was "Okay po", I actually wanted to cry because anxiety got the best of me and I was fervently praying that nothing is wrong with the baby. So after that, a group of residents and nurses preped me for the emergency C-section. It was October 9, a few hours shy of the scheduled CS I prepared myself for. Yup, things don't really go as planned. I gave birth at 11:44 PM via CS to our baby girl and fortunately for us, our doctors were great and they made a good call, as our baby came out cord coiled, which explained her inactivity when they were monitoring me. Had we waited for my scheduled CS, she could have been cord coiled even more and could have run out oxygen. So yes, everything happens for a reason -- we were asked to go to the hospital earlier to make sure our baby will come out okay. We were really blessed and the Lord was with our doctors when they made the call to operate on me earlier. So to the doctors, nurses and other people instrumental to the birth of our baby girl, thank you. And to the Lord, You really are the master planner of our lives, thank you.
Today, a month after, our baby girl is healthy and strong and big for her age and I can't help but be grateful for the turn of events and how the Lord was faithful to us and He made sure that, though unplanned, things turned out for the best.
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