Sunday, February 26, 2012

[Zei the MOM] Zia's (first) solid experience

This day in particular is blog-worthy. Today Zia ate her first solid food. I was really planning to make her pureed avocado or banana, but I had to give her Cerelac as ordered by her pedia. So the Dr. Brown's simple puree handheld blender I bought will have to wait for a month. Zia's pedia said to start her with rice cereal first (read: Cerelac or Lugaw) so that's what we gave her this morning. Looks like she liked it. I didn't have any discouraging moments (which I was actually prepared for). She took it in stride and seemed to like her first meeting with the spoon.

Oh, and of course, we had to get her camera ready for the momentous occasion. Thanks to her go-to pretty bow from and her cool statement bib from Zia looked every bit cute for her morning meal.

Looks interesting =p

Hmm... interesting! This is different.

I think I'm getting the hang of it mommy and daddy!

I think I like it! Tomorrow again please. =)

[Zei the charmed one] Weekends are heaven sent

Weekends with this little girl make me wish weekends don't end.
I love how I have time to play dress up with Zia during the weekends.

Weekends = Happy, Wacky and quality family time

I've always loved weekends. Back then, circa life without a husband and a baby, weekends used to mean going to the mall, shopping, eating out and just hanging around people I love (but really, more of going to the mall), but now, weekends seem to be more special. Wanna know why? Well, because it means two straight days of spending quality time with my favorite people in the world a.k.a the two loves of my life.

Do you agree, weekends are heaven sent? =) I'm pretty sure you do. =)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

[Zei the MOM] She's got mommy's smile

I've always wanted to have a mini-me, but when Zia was born and everyone was saying she looked more like her daddy I didn't mind any of it - when she arrived, all I wanted was for our daughter to be a happy baby - never mind if she looked more like me or Rich.

Today, at a little over 6 months, it seems like I have a mini-me. Zia is reminding me of myself more and more as each day passes. But the more important thing is, our daughter is a happy baby. Just look at her smile, which she got, most evidently, from (ahem) me! Although beyond the big smile, my wish and prayer is that she would get my optimism and happy disposition when she grows up. You see, those who know me always say I'm an optimistic person and I've always been a happy and cheerful person. I guess my main point is that I hope Zia sees life the way I see it, with a positive outlook - that each waking moment is a blessing and that each day is a reason to be thankful.

The good thing is, I (together with my husband) have a hand in making Zia see life exactly like that.

Just sharing one of my weekend thoughts. Hope you're all enjoying the weekend as much as I am!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

[Zei the charmed one] You gotta have Faith

Photo credit:

Because today is ash Wednesday, the start of the Lenten season, I've decided to reflect on last Sunday's sermon. The gospel last Sunday was about the paralytic man's faith in (the healing power of) Jesus, which is actually very apt for ushering in the Lenten season. Our priest, during his homily, said that when one has faith, everything is different and better, everything is refreshed. And I definitely agree. Despite all the challenges we face in everyday life, somehow, when you have FAITH in our Lord, you still manage to sleep with a light heart and wake up with a feeling that things are bound to get better. I know each one's faith is being tested day by day in different ways, but I also know in my heart of hearts that when you have faith, you have the power to change things.

Here's praying for a blessed Lenten season for everyone.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

[Zei the MOM] What I learned after 6 months of being a mom

I've been a mom to our darling baby girl Zia for 6 months today and allow me to share with you what I've learned in half a year about being a mom and being a parent. It's nothing profound and not about the hard fast rules - it's quite simple actually. I've learned that you really won't love anyone else, more than you love your child. That's it. Plain and simple, but true. The other stuff I learn by day - but the unconditional love bit is encompassing.

Disclaimer: The statement in bold doesn't in any way diminish the intensity of love for my husband (whom I love with all my heart). It's just how it is when you become a parent (for me, that is).

Sunday, February 19, 2012

This one's for you Steph!

This one's for you Steph!

Dion Lee sleeveless cotton shirt
£195 -

Quiksilver shirt
$30 -

Gathered skirt
£23 -

Giuseppe Zanotti flat thong sandals
$930 -

Givenchy white scarve
£180 -

[Zei on Fashion] Mullet must-haves

L-R: My super friend Vero and I posing with my mullet skirt from www.iheartmatilda and her mullet dress from Una Rosa during the wedding of our kabarkada's sister; my first mullet skirt from Forever21; my halter style mullet dress from

Photo from my friend and former colleague Frances of during Zia's Christening (me showcasing my mullet skirt)

I've always had a lot of skirts, and yes, I've always been a skirt-wearing kind of girl. And right now, my closet is slowly piling up with a couple of these mullet skirts and dresses. I bought my first one last year to wear to Zia's baptism and I've loved it ever since. I like how it billows when you walk and makes you feel regal, girly and carefree at the same time. There are a lot of mullet skirts going around right now. Got mine from Forever21 and 2 from and my mullet halter dresses are from Fashion Fruit (

Saturday, February 18, 2012

[Zei the MOM] Pretty little things for our sweetheart

This is actually a late post, but because they're too pretty not to share, I still decided to write about it. Last February 14 was Zia's first Valentine's day and of course, we found it fitting to get her something sweet and lovely. This was a sure win when I stumbled upon it from Celestina and Co. at The bows are perfect - colorful, sweet and dainty - just like our darling daughter. All the bows and bands are meticulously made to make it not just chic, but also safe and comfortable for the little one to wear. Definitely something I recommend for mommies with daughters. :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

[Zei the charmed one] Love letter

To the two loves of my life on Valentine's Day,

I've always had a happy and charmed life - a loving family, good friends and all pretty things I wanted, but I never knew I could be even happier and more blessed. Now I can really really say that I am at my happiest because of you love and of course, our daughter Zia. You make everyday red letter days. Must have done something right to deserve having both of you in my life. Loving is easy when it comes to the two of you.

Here's a promise that my love for both of you will be a love that's one for the books - the greatest love a wife and mother could give. Everyday is actually Valentine's day for me with you two in my life.

On this day of hearts, I am grateful for being given the gift of a loving husband and a wonderful daughter. And on this day that celebrates love, I thank the Lord for letting me love you every waking moment of my life.

Words aren't really enough to express how much I love you both, but I'm putting it out there so somehow you'd know that it is because of loving you both, that makes me whole.

Signed with outpouring love,

Your Zei/Mommy

Monday, February 13, 2012

[Zei the charmed one] Valentine kick-off

Ever since I could remember, I've always liked Valentine's Day. My parents were the kind who made a big deal about it - they would give my brother and I Valentine gifts - my favorite was the Lisa Frank pen I got that had a water and glitter filled heart top. So yes, Valentine's Day for me was and still is a valid occasion.

Kicked off my the Valentine weekend with a lovely movie - Letters to Juliet. It may be a cliche topic but I like how the movie glorifies love that is always hopeful, love that is unchanging and love that endless. Plus being set in rustic Verona and Tuscany added even more charm to it. A fitting prelude to the day of hearts.

And since the husband and I are quite busy with work and Valentine's day falls on a Tuesday, I decided to treat my better half to a 75 minute traditional hilot massage at The Spa in BHS as my advanced Valentine gift. Not quite as eventful as when we were boyfriend and girlfriend, but definitely a welcome treat for the both of us.

Tomorrow is Valentine's day so don't be afraid to show or tell your loved ones how much you love them. It comes once a year, so better seize the day. And don't worry about being called mushy or cheesy, because on the day of hearts, cheesy and mushy are the in things. Happy Valentine's day all! :)

Photo credit:

Sunday, February 12, 2012

[Zei on Home Deco & Design] Home bucket list

I think the nesting stage hasn't left me even after pregnancy. I always seem to want to do something to prettify our home. So off the top of my head, here are the four things I'd like to do when I find the time and the resources to make it happen.

1) I want to have a yellow accent wall

2) I want to install some sort of wall art to our plain white wall that leads to our bedrooms

3) I want a cooler looking kitchen

4) I want to find a cheap but nice outdoor sitting/dining set for our bare front porch

Seems doable this year, yes? I just need to find time to look at my options and canvass for important pieces. And maybe I'll set aside a weekend to do that wall art thing since I've got something up my sleeve already (will post about it once it materializes).

How about you? Do you have home projects planned for this year?

Photo credits: / / /

[Shopaholic Zei] I heart online shopping!

I'm a shopaholic in all senses - I never leave the mall without any purchase and I even manage to buy something even when I'm out on provincial trips. And when I was pregnant, I added yet another badge to my shopping skills - Online shopping. :) It's fun, easy and convenient (for me, that is). So yes, the online shopping isn't confined to buying stuff for Zia - most of the online shopping now is for me. And for all those lady online shoppers like me who like vintage/classic/girly clothes, check out

I'm making it my online go-to store for clothes. The prices are reasonable and all the pieces are lovely. Visit their site, you might find something that you fancy and you'll be just like me and heart online shopping. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

[Zei the charmed one] AMEN!

Photo credit:

I've always been an optimist, but lately, my optimism is M.I.A. But I made a pact with my real (optimist) self to get out of this rut, starting NOW. I saw this, and it made me smile and slowly, I felt my trickles of optimism regaining its foothold. I felt more like me. My life is GOOD and colorful and I intend to keep it that way.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

[Shopaholic Zei] My call to action

Photo credit:

You know you're a shopaholic when these four letters make your heart skip a beat - SALE. That's what happened to me when our little family trooped to Shangri-La after Zia's 5th month visit to the pedia. Zara was on sale so I took advantage of it. Carpe Diem I said to myself as I swiped my credit card for the stuff I got for Zia.

For some, the word SALE is a warning sign that brings precaution, but for me, it's a call to action. It's a sale and I wanna take part in it. And took part I did, and I emerged victorious with these cute steals for Zia. :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

[Zei the MOM] Zia's 6th month shopping list

We're almost in the 6th month mark, which means a lot of new milestones for Zia. And of course, these milestones have new stuff that go hand-in-hand with it. So here's my happy list of stuff to buy for Zia.

Now that Zia is liking bathtime more and more and she's getting big for her current bathtub I plan to buy her a Flexibath and a set of Boon Odd Ducks for more fun and enjoyment.

I like the Flexibath because of it's pretty colors and it's foldable feature. I can store it properly when it's not in use since it doesn't take up much space and I can still use it long after Zia won't fit in it anymore - maybe as a toy bin or a shoe bin for the little one. Plus, it's made of BPA, PVC and Phthalate free plastic that's safe for babies. Photo taken from

This set of Boon Odd Ducks is a refreshing/modern take on the good ol' rubber ducky. Beyond it's cute colors, it's made from BPA, PVC and Phthalate free plastic. This will surely make bathtime lots of fun for Zia and for me (knowing that she's safe from harmful plastic materials). Photo credit goes to Aren't they so cute? But of course, very functional.

Another 6th month milestone that I'm excited about is solid feeding, so I'm eyeing these stuff to help me make Zia's solid food experience a blast.

Avent mini-blender (

Cute and colorful munchkin soft tip spoons(

No need for bowls and plates since we have lots given by Ninongs, Ninangs and Titos and Titas. =) Hope Zia enjoys solid feeding. =)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Changes underway!

I am praying and hoping for many positive changes this 2012. So to jump start my year of positive changes, I've decided to reorganize my blog, which is currently a hodgepodge of topics close to my heart. So beginning today all my posts will be categorized according to the different facets of my life - me as a mom, as a shopaholic, as a wife, as an interior designer wannabe, a foodie, a fashion enthusiast, career-woman, an observer, a faithful and the many other roles I take on.