Monday, April 9, 2012

[Shopaholic Zei] My 40+ days without shopping

The Lenten season is over, which means, Lenten sacrifice has been lifted too. I was successful in sticking to my promise not to shop for myself for more than 40 days. It was Feb. 22 (Ash Wednesday) when the 40 day count begun. And as of Easter Sunday, I was already up to 46 days with no shopping, but my streak ended a few minutes ago when I decided to reward myself by purchasing something for me online.

For a person who loved shopping very much, it wasn't actually as hard as I expected it to be - maybe the loophole that buying stuff for Zia and our house softened the blow. But yup, I think I should go on this sacrifice even long after Lent, my husband would be glad for sure.

I'd like to say thank you to my friends/colleagues who all made sure that I stuck to my promise the whole of Lent. For now, I shall gradually withdraw from shopping for myself unless I seriously clean out a handful never-been-used stuff from my closet. Maybe someday, I won't be a shopaholic any longer. Hooray for more savings!

So why care to share? Well, this meager triumph of resisting the temptation of shopping for moi for more than 40 days has inspired me to change my (evil) ways. Let this be my public declaration that I will limit my shopping for me to 2 times a month and that I will set a ceiling for my monthly spending (amount is still TBD).

That's all.

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