To our dearest Zia,
On your first Christmas we want you to know how blessed we are because you're now in our life. Your dad and I have always loved Christmas, but this year we have you to thank for making us love this holiday even more. We want you to know that even before Christmas, we already got the best gift we could ever receive - and that's you baby girl.
We hope you enjoyed your first celebration with our family and all the gifts that were given by friends and family. We can't wait for you to see how magical Christmas is and how opening presents is the funnest thing ever. We can't wait to teach you the story of Christmas and appreciate the real meaning of the yuletide season.
After all the presents have been opened, mommy and daddy still have one more gift for you dear daughter - a promise that we will try our best to keep - that we will teach and show you how beautiful life is when it's lived right - with faith, optimism, laughter and so much love.
The Lord is indeed very kind to our family - he has blessed us with a precious gift - YOU.
Merry Christmas Zia!
Mommy & Daddy
Merry Christmas to you & Zia and Rich. You'll have to let me know what you get for Zia with her gift certificate. :-)