Thankfully, I’ve added another check to my list last Saturday. For my 25th birthday, I decided to adopt 25 trees at the La Mesa Ecopark. I invited 25 of my friends to join me and take time out to give back to mother nature (cheesy). As a whole it was a half day well spent. The program entailed a free tour of the ecopark, but the main event was the nursery activity (read: tree planting at its baby-est form). We got to watch a very compelling video on how needed it is to do your share in saving nature because it will directly affect our lives as we know it. We were amazed/shocked on the many ‘Do you knows’ that were enumerated.
Do you know…
Ø that brushing with a closed faucet uses up 0.25 gallons of water and that brushing with the water running on the other hand uses up 4 gallons?
Ø that flushing the toilet is another 3 gallons of water?
Ø that a 10-minute shower will cost the world 50 gallons of water?
The above are just the ones I remember. The ‘Do you knows’ were really eye-openers and now I do know. Note to self: try to be more conscientious about water usage. After the videos off to plant we went, we filled little black bags with healthy soil with earthworm poop (that’s incidentally very helpful in the planting world), got our pricking sticks and stuck in super baby seedlings. We were told that the seedlings we planted will have to stay at the nursery for 6 month to grow before they are planted into the forest. It sounded promising.
To cut the long story short, it’s another box ticked off my list. And now I’m proud and happy to share with you the status of my list. Now I’m really pressured to accomplish everything since I’ve decided to share it in the world wide web, no less. But today more that ever, I am determined and I have a good feeling that I will manage to have all things checked before September 25, 2010.
Zei’s list of things to do before getting married
Take up any kind of post-grad studies – CHECK
Take the FSO exam
Get a new job (2nd job) – CHECK
Travel – CHECK
Sponsor the schooling of at least 1 kid
Start up a business
Be an ice skating coach
Buy mom & dad something grand
Plant a tree – CHECK
Why not make a list of your own. I think the best thing about making a list is that you know you’re the one in charge and you’re the only person who can make things happen. Your list could be on the things you want to do before you reach a certain age or something. Having my list helps me a lot. It pushes me strive to be better however little ways I’ve chosen. Plus it’s also fun. So that’s it, until my next CHECKED to do.
Sounds like a fun day! I want to go back to school before F.B. moves to the USA- even though we will already be married. That is on my check list for next year while we are doing immigration, since it may take 2 years. :)
hey sarah.=) that's nice and i'm pretty sure you'll get to do that.=) kuya will surely be super proud.=) see you in November.=)