Wednesday, February 22, 2012

[Zei the charmed one] You gotta have Faith

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Because today is ash Wednesday, the start of the Lenten season, I've decided to reflect on last Sunday's sermon. The gospel last Sunday was about the paralytic man's faith in (the healing power of) Jesus, which is actually very apt for ushering in the Lenten season. Our priest, during his homily, said that when one has faith, everything is different and better, everything is refreshed. And I definitely agree. Despite all the challenges we face in everyday life, somehow, when you have FAITH in our Lord, you still manage to sleep with a light heart and wake up with a feeling that things are bound to get better. I know each one's faith is being tested day by day in different ways, but I also know in my heart of hearts that when you have faith, you have the power to change things.

Here's praying for a blessed Lenten season for everyone.

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