Sunday, June 26, 2011

Baby shopping 411 - neophyte report

We just got home from a whole day at the mall for some baby essentials shopping. It was every bit fun and exciting as I expected it to be. :) We're almost in our 8th month and though baby is still in utero, I think I've gotten a knack for baby shopping quite early actually, I started shopping for baby stuff at 4 months along to be exact and I've become very good at it (to my husband's unsaid dismay). Here are some of baby's essential loot all from SM Dept. store. We just got the essentials like a couple of tie-side tops, bottoms, burp cloths, booties, mittens, wash cloths, hooded towels and blankets, etc.

Aside from shopping in the mall for baby stuff, I've also added online shopping to my repertoire. Just in case some moms-to-be happen to read this post, here are the online shops I've bought from:!/babiescornershop

With less than 2 months to go, I've decided to stop online shopping and wait for the gifts to come (they say people will always give lots for the new arrival). Haha. I consider myself an expert in baby shopping because I've got so much passion for it (already! uh-oh). And just as I said pre-pregnancy, as long as it makes you happy and you've given it an amount of thought (around 10 minutes of contemplation), and you have the (extra) resources to purchase it... GOOOOOOOO =p And if you feel guilty after your purchase... well, no sense in fussing over it since it's already spilt milk. Bright side is, you'll emerge wiser after, perhaps?! These are just my 2 cents worth. And for those against shopping (impulse or not) per se, no judgment please. To each her own and this is how I stride (pre-baby, baby-on-the-way and surely even when baby's with us already).


  1. Anj Manuel-CariquitanJune 28, 2011 at 9:37 PM

    ZS!:) This is very helpful. Just a question, when you buy baby clothes , what size do you get?:)

  2. Hey Anj, I usually buy 6-12 months. Hehe. :) basta yung pinaka konti that i have are 0-3 mos na sizes. :)

  3. Anj Manuel-CariquitanJune 29, 2011 at 10:29 PM

    6-12 months will provide good allowance since babies grow up a little fast. :)Thanks a lot dear!:)
